Table of Contents
Let's do a basic setup of WordPress.
WordPress Log In

Log in to your WordPress.
WordPress Dashboard

Welcome to your WordPress site's dashboard! 1) You may change you admin password.
Add New User

Add yourself as a new user, log out and log in with your own username. For security reasons you may disable default admin user. Log out and log in with your new username.
Screen Options

You can adjust Screen Options to choose add or remove Dashboard widgets.
General Settings

Writing Settings

1) Size of the post box: 16 lines
2) There is a debate whether to use one ping service, multiple ping services or none. I would start like under the radar with none. Later on, when my site gets momentum, I could add maybe one or two ping services: or and
Reading Settings

Discussion Settings

1) Enable threaded (nested) comments is a nice feature. 2) I don't want to show default graphics.
Media Settings

Privacy Settings

Permalink Settings

1) Either /%postname%/ or /%category%/%postname%/. For time relative blog maybe /%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/.
Miscellaneous Settings

Hello World!