
Which WordPress Plugins Are Slowing Down Your Site?

TLDR: Poorly coded WordPress plugins can slow down site performance. Identifying slow plugins involves using tools like Query Monitor to analyze database queries, testing speed impacts by deactivating plugins, and utilizing browser developer tools for resource loading analysis. Ensure to use well-coded plugins to maintain speed, and optimize or replace any causing issues to enhance user experience.

Which WordPress Plugins Are Slowing Down Your Site? Read More »

RSS Cache Control

Brent Simmons notified Michael Tsai that his blog's RSS feed was not updating in NetNewsWire due to a 2-day cache control interval, set by DreamHost. This interval contrasts with the 10-minute cache for HTML content. Tsai explored ways to adjust this in the Apache .htaccess file. He prefers a MIME type-based solution for all feeds instead of listing them individually. Users previously faced delays receiving updates, which should be resolved with the new settings.

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5 Ways to Create a WordPress Plugin Settings Page

Ready to take your WordPress plugin to the next level? Explore five dynamic ways to create a settings page for your plugin. From mastering the WordPress Settings API to harnessing VueJS or React, discover methods that make managing plugin options a breeze. Unravel the potential within frameworks like Advanced Custom Fields and Carbon Fields, or kickstart your project with a code generator. Perfect your plugin with ease and efficiency! Curious about more? Check out all the tips.

5 Ways to Create a WordPress Plugin Settings Page

5 Ways to Create a WordPress Plugin Settings Page Read More »

AI Code Generator For WordPress Creators is a powerful platform designed specifically for WordPress users, offering AI-generated custom code snippets to enhance your website's functionality. By leveraging OpenAI's GPT-3 technology, simplifies the process of creating personalized code, saving time and effort. The user-friendly interface enables you to input your requirements and receive tailored code snippets, perfect for optimizing your WordPress site without extensive coding knowledge.

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How to Remove … (3 Dots Called Ellipsis) Above “Read More” Link in Astra Theme

Team Brainstorm Force:

You can remove those three dots using our filter hook. You just need to add the following function to your child theme’s functions.php 

 * Remove helip from read more link
function remove_helip_from_read_more( $output, $output_filter ) {

	$output = str_replace( '…', '', $output );
	return $output;

add_filter( 'astra_post_link', 'remove_helip_from_read_more', 10, 2 );

You have to use either astra_post_link or astra_the_content_more_link hook depending where you want to remove ellipsis.

Instead of using child theme's function.php you can use code snippet WordPress plugin, for example Code Snippets.

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